Dubai Cares
- F Funder
Dubai Cares is playing a key role in helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning by 2030, by supporting programs in early childhood development, access to quality primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education and training for youth as well as a particular focus on education in emergencies and protracted crises. Education is more than a human right, it is an irrevocable asset. It is also one of the most effective tools to break the cycle of poverty, a belief held by our founder His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. It was from this belief and the desire to give children - regardless of their gender, nationality, race or religion - the opportunity to become positive contributors to society, that His Highness established Dubai Cares on September 19, 2007. Since its inception, Dubai Cares, part of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, has been working towards providing children and young people in developing countries with access to quality education through the design and funding of programs that aim to be integrated, impactful, sustainable and scalable. As a result, the UAE-based global philanthropic organization has successfully launched education programs reaching over 20 million beneficiaries in 59 developing countries.
Primary Functions
- Funding
Secondary Functions
- Capacity building/Technical assistance
- Policy Development/Implementation
- Program/Project Implementation
Geographic Scope
- Global / regional
Areas of work Back to Top
Education topics addressed
- Primary completion
- Primary enrollment
- Primary to secondary transition
- Secondary completion
- Early childhood development
Other skills
- Vocational training
- Curricula/lesson plans
- School facilities
- School quality
Cross-cutting topics addressed
- Emergencies and protracted crises
Funders and partners Back to Top
Current girls' education partners
Locations and contact information Back to Top
Headquarters location(s)
- Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Office location(s)
- United Arab Emirates
Locations of current girls’ education work
Map showing countries (listed below) where the organization is involved with girls' education programs
- Bangladesh
- Colombia
- Comoros
- Ecuador
- Ghana
- Honduras
- India
- Indonesia
- Iraq
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Mozambique
- Nepal
- Nicaragua
- Peru
- Sri Lanka
- Viet Nam