Gender Justice Funding
- F Funding Initiative/Portfolio
? Activity Status: Unknown
Key Information
Through partnerships, we are interested in contributing to change in the following areas: Supporting women and girls to be safe, healthy, educated and able to be independent with control over their lives; Supporting women and girls to be an equal part of collective decision making in communities, national governments, and other social and political structures; Reducing incidents of gender-based violence; Increasing the evidence of what works in developing women-led movements for social change, and lead in developing and modeling best practice; Supporting feminist organizations with the resilience and capabilities to drive change; Shifting public attitudes and improving understanding about the influence of gender norms on choices and life outcomes; Supporting a diverse range of women’s rights organizations to fight against systems which perpetuate the injustices they encounter in their daily lives.
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
Government Affiliation
Non-governmental programYears
Not applicable or unknown
Not applicable or unknown
Ministry Affiliation
Not applicable or unknown
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
Global / regionalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
Other skills
- Rights/empowerment education
Cross-cutting areas
- Empowerment
- Gender equality
- Social and gender norms and beliefs
- Violence (at home, in relationships)
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Girls (both in school and out of school), Other community members - female, Youth
Not applicable or unknown
School Enrolment Status
School Level
- N/A
Other populations reached
Not applicable or unknown
Participants include
Not applicable or unknown
Program Approaches Back to Top
Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization
- Community mobilization
- General awareness-raising/community engagement
Life skills education
- Gender, rights and power
Policy/legal environment
- Advocating changes to existing laws/policies
Women's empowerment programs
- Advocacy/action
- Empowerment training
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
Cross-cutting goals
- Changed social norms
- Improved financial literacy and savings
- Improved sexual and reproductive health
- Improved understanding of sexual harassment, coercion, and consent
- Increased advocacy/civic engagement
- Increased agency and empowerment
- Reduced adolescent pregnancy/childbearing
- Reduced child marriage
- Reduced intimate partner violence
- Reduced school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)