Kishori Shakti Yojana
- P Project/Program
? Activity Status: Unknown
Key Information
Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) seeks to empower adolescent girls, so as to enable them to take charge of their lives. It is viewed as a holistic initiative for the development of adolescent girls. The programme through its interventions aims at bringing about a difference in the lives of the adolescent girls. It seeks to provide them with an opportunity to realize their full potential. This scheme is a redesign of the already existing Adolescent Girls (AG) Scheme being implemented as a component under the centrally sponsored Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme. The new scheme dramatically extends the coverage of the earlier scheme with significant content enrichment, strengthens the training component, particularly in skill development, aspects aimed at empowerment and enhanced self-perception. It also fosters convergence with other sectoral programmes, addressing the interrelated needs of adolescent girls and women. The broad objectives of the Scheme are to improve the nutritional, health and development status of adolescent girls, promote awareness of health, hygiene, nutrition and family care, link them to opportunities for learning life skills, going back to school, help them gain a better understanding of their social environment and take initiatives to become productive members of the society.
Lead Implementing Government(s)
South Asia
Activity URL
Government Affiliation
Government-affiliated programYears
2007 -
Not applicable or unknown
Ministry Affiliation
Ministry of Women and Child DevelopmentFunder(s)
Not applicable or unknown
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
NationalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
Other skills
- Life skills/sexuality education
- Rights/empowerment education
- Social and emotional learning
- Vocational training
- Literacy
- Numeracy
Cross-cutting areas
- Early/child marriage
- Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
- Empowerment
- Gender equality
- Nutrition
- Other cultural practices
- Social and gender norms and beliefs
- WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Girls out of school, Youth
11 - 18
School Enrolment Status
All out of school
School Level
- N/A
Other populations reached
- Other community members - female
- Other community members - male
- Teachers - female
- Teachers - male
Participants include
- N/A
Program Approaches Back to Top
- Deworming
- Other nutritional supplementation
Health and childcare services
- Adolescent-friendly health services
- Referrals to health services
Learning while working
- Vocational training
Life skills education
- Sexual and reproductive health (including puberty education)
Tutoring/strengthening academic skills
- Literacy - outside the classroom
- Numeracy - outside the classroom
Women's empowerment programs
- Empowerment training
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Gender parity and non-discrimination are promoted at all subjects/education levels
- Improved academic skills (literacy and numeracy)
- Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
- Increased school completion (general)
- Increased years of schooling
- Teachers and learners have the knowledge and skills to promote gender equality
Cross-cutting goals
- Changed social norms
- Improved health - other
- Improved mental health
- Improved nutrition
- Improved sexual and reproductive health
- Increased agency and empowerment
- Increased employment/job-related skills
- More equitable gender attitudes and norms
- Reduced child marriage