Bina Roy Partners in Development Programme
- F Funding Initiative/Portfolio
A Active
Key Information
The Bina Roy Partners in Development (BRPID) programme supports locally-developed and operated projects initiated by Graduate Women International (GWI) National Federations and Associations (NFAs) that will empower women and girls through education and leadership development. BRPID grants are awarded on a competitive basis to NFAs in countries with a Gross National Income of less than US$12,616 per annum and who are fully paid members of GWI. All projects are in line with GWI’s mission towards lifelong education, advancement and participation in leadership and decision-making for women and girls. BRPID began in 1978 and was later renamed in honour of Dr. Bina Roy, educator and former GWI President from India.
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
Middle East & North Africa, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Egypt, Ghana, Nepal, Uganda
Activity URL
Government Affiliation
Not applicable or unknown
Not applicable or unknown
Ministry Affiliation
Not applicable or unknown
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
Global / regionalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
- Transition from school to work
Other skills
- Financial literacy
- Social and emotional learning
- School quality
- Teacher training
- Literacy
Cross-cutting areas
- Community sensitization
- Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
- Empowerment
- Food/water security
- Gender equality
- Menstrual hygiene management
- Social and gender norms and beliefs
- WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Boys (both in school and out of school), Girls (both in school and out of school), Youth
Not applicable or unknown
School Enrolment Status
Some in school
School Level
- Lower primary
- Upper primary
- Lower secondary
- Upper secondary
Other populations reached
- Community leaders
- Fathers
- Mothers
- Other caregivers
- School administrators
Participants include
- N/A
Program Approaches Back to Top
Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization
- Community mobilization
- General awareness-raising/community engagement
Menstrual hygiene management
- Educating girls about menstruation
Reducing economic barriers
- Financial literacy training
Tutoring/strengthening academic skills
- Literacy - in the classroom
- Literacy - outside the classroom
Women's empowerment programs
- Empowerment training
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Improved critical thinking
- Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
- Increased literacy
- Increased years of schooling
Cross-cutting goals
- Changed social norms
- Improved financial literacy and savings
- Increased advocacy/civic engagement
- Increased agency and empowerment
- Increased employment/job-related skills