Scolarisation des Filles (SCOFI)

  • P Project/Program

? Activity Status: Unknown

Key Information

In Senegal, the government understood the challenge of mass schooling for girls very early on and resolutely committed to promoting their education through a policy of access, retention and promotion. As proof: in 1994, the Ministry of National Education created a structure called Scofi (Schooling for Girls) to boost statistics in the sector. Its main objective was to raise awareness and advocate on the ground among all social classes to encourage the schooling of girls. The structure also fought to keep girls in school for as long as possible.

Lead Implementing Government(s)



Sub-Saharan Africa


Government Affiliation

Government-affiliated program


1994 -


Not applicable or unknown

Ministry Affiliation

Originally started by Senegal Ministry of National Education in 1994


Not applicable or unknown

COVID-19 Response


Geographic Scope


Meets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES  


Areas of Work Back to Top

Education areas


  • Primary completion
  • Primary enrollment
  • Primary to secondary transition
  • Secondary completion
  • Secondary Enrollment

Other skills

  • Rights/empowerment education


  • STEM

Cross-cutting areas

  • Adolescent pregnancy/childbearing
  • Early/child marriage
  • Empowerment
  • Social and gender norms and beliefs

Program participants

Target Audience(s)

Girls (both in school and out of school)


Not applicable or unknown

School Enrolment Status

All in school

School Level

  • Lower primary
  • Upper primary
  • Lower secondary
  • Upper secondary

Other populations reached

Not applicable or unknown

Participants include

  • Adolescent mothers (pregnant or parenting)

Program Approaches Back to Top

Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization

  • Community mobilization

Policy/legal environment

  • Advocating changes to existing laws/policies
  • Developing/promoting new laws/policies

Women's empowerment programs

  • Advocacy/action

Program Goals Back to Top

Education goals

  • Increased enrolment in primary school
  • Increased primary school completion
  • Increased progression to secondary school
  • Increased secondary school completion
  • Increased secondary school enrolment
  • Increased test scores
  • Increased years of schooling
  • Reduced absenteeism

Cross-cutting goals

  • Increased advocacy/civic engagement
  • Increased agency and empowerment
  • More equitable gender attitudes and norms
  • Reduced adolescent pregnancy/childbearing
  • Reduced child marriage