Meisso Inclusive Quality Education for Children Project
- P Project/Program
A Active
Key Information
Meisso Inclusive Quality Education Project is implemented in Meisso district, west Hararghe zone of Oromia regional state of Ethiopia. It will focus on providing inclusive quality education to 10,000 students including IDPs and host communities. Institutional WASH is a key element of the project. The project is designed in such as that it will address the education gaps in connection to influx of IDP children into host communities. The ultimate aim of this project is to ensure access to inclusive quality education for both boys, girls and children with special needs in disaster affected district of Meisso. Impact of the project is: Access to inclusive quality education is created for 10,000 boys and girls alike in disaster affected Meisso district at the end of the project period. It has two outcomes namely: outcome 1. Education coverage maintained and dropout rate reduced, and outcome 2. Student education performance and quality of education service will be improved in Meisso district. IR is responsible for implementing this project in a period of 24 months starting from June 2020. IR has presence in West Hararghe Zone of Oromia Region and it has been implementing other development projects and also responding to emergencies for internally displaced people and host communities in various sector. The total project cost is set at EURO 450,000.
Key activities include: constructing of additional classrooms with ramps, constructing of gender-segregated latrines and concrete water reservoir for roof water harvesting purpose, furnishing classrooms with desks and school supplies, furnishing and equipping five schools with standard laboratories, library and ICT materials, supplying teacher and students with disabilities with materials, supporting girls with Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) by availing dignity kits and hygiene materials and MHM awareness raising training workshops, capacity building training for teachers to enhance their skills, providing solar lights to students and teacher and addressing challenges in education administration, community participation and schools supervision.
Community participation in education will be ensured using and activating Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) structure and training of its members to increase attendance of all school-age children and keep quality of education service. The district education office will also be equipped with basic office supplies, materials and furniture to effectively manage the education service in organized manner. The project will be implemented in a period of 24 months.
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Government Affiliation
Non-governmental programYears
2020 -
Not applicable or unknown
Ministry Affiliation
Not applicable or unknown
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
Sub-nationalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
- Primary completion
- Primary enrollment
- Primary to secondary transition
- Secondary completion
- Secondary Enrollment
- Other
Other skills
- Life skills/sexuality education
- School facilities
- School quality
- Teacher training
Cross-cutting areas
- Emergencies and protracted crises
- Menstrual hygiene management
- WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Boys in school, Girls in school, Youth
7 - 16
School Enrolment Status
All in school
School Level
- Lower primary
- Upper primary
- Lower secondary
- Upper secondary
Other populations reached
- Other community members - female
- Other community members - male
- Parent-teacher associations/school management committees
- School administrators
- Teachers - female
- Teachers - male
Participants include
- Displaced/refugee - Internal (from other areas of the same country)
- Indigenous
- People with disabilities
Program Approaches Back to Top
Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization
- Community mobilization
- Parent Teacher Associations (PTA)
- Increased availability of learning materials
Educational Technology
- Computer-assisted learning
Facilities construction/improvement
- Construction/improvement of classrooms
- Construction/improvement of schools
Menstrual hygiene management
- Educating girls about menstruation
- Sanitary product distribution
Reducing economic barriers
- Addressing cost of school supplies
School-related gender-based violence
- Training of school personnel (including teachers)
- In-service teacher training – pedagogy general
Water and sanitation
- Construction/improvement of sex-specific toilets
- Construction/improvement of toilets (combined use)
- Improved water access
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Increased enrolment in primary school
- Increased grade attainment
- Increased primary school completion
- Increased progression to secondary school
- Increased re-enrolment in school among out-of-school children
- Increased school completion (general)
- Increased school enrolment (general)
- Increased secondary school completion
- Increased secondary school enrolment
- Reduced absenteeism
- Reduced grade repetition
Cross-cutting goals
Not applicable or unknown
Additional Information Back to Top
Primary Contact
- Judeden Seid
- Islamic Relief Worldwide
- Education Program Coordinator in Ethiopia
- +251911900145