Supporting Adolescent Girls’ Education (SAGE)

  • N Network/Convening/Conference

? Activity Status: Unknown

Key Information

The Supporting Adolescent Girls’ Education (SAGE) project targeted up to 13,460 highly marginalised, out-of-school adolescent girls in 11 districts across Zimbabwe to achieve improved learning outcomes and assist them with transition into formal education, training or employment.

Lead Implementing Organization(s)


Sub-Saharan Africa


Government Affiliation

Non-governmental program


2018 - 2023


Apostolic Women’s Empowerment Trust (AWET), Christian Blind Mission (CBM), ECONET Wireless (ECONET), Plan International Zimbabwe, The Open University (OU)

Ministry Affiliation

Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE)

COVID-19 Response


Geographic Scope


Meets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES  


Areas of Work Back to Top

Education areas


  • Primary to secondary transition


  • Transition from school to work

Other skills

  • Rights/empowerment education
  • Social and emotional learning
  • Vocational training


  • Teacher training

Cross-cutting areas

  • Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
  • Empowerment
  • Gender equality
  • Masculinities/boys
  • Mentorship
  • Other aspects of sexual and reproductive health
  • Social and gender norms and beliefs

Program participants

Target Audience(s)

Girls out of school


10 - 19

School Enrolment Status

All out of school

School Level

  • Upper primary
  • Lower secondary
  • Upper secondary
  • Vocational

Other populations reached

  • Boys out of school
  • Brothers
  • Community leaders
  • Fathers
  • Youth

Participants include

Not applicable or unknown

Program Approaches Back to Top

Learning while working

  • Vocational training

Life skills education

  • Gender, rights and power
  • Sexual and reproductive health (including puberty education)
  • Social and emotional learning (SEL) skills building

Mentoring/psychosocial support

  • Teachers as mentors

Policy/legal environment

  • Public-private partnerships

Reducing economic barriers

  • Addressing cost of school supplies
  • Scholarships/stipends for school fees

School-related gender-based violence

  • Support in and around schools (e.g. peer counseling, adult-to-student counseling)


  • In-service teacher training – gender-responsive pedagogy

Program Goals Back to Top

Education goals

  • Increased progression to secondary school
  • Increased school completion (general)
  • Teachers and learners have the knowledge and skills to promote gender equality

Cross-cutting goals

  • Improved sexual and reproductive health
  • Increased agency and empowerment
  • Increased employment/job-related skills
  • More equitable gender attitudes and norms

Additional Information Back to Top

Primary Contact

General Contact Info
Girls' Education Challenge