Association for Cohesive Development of the Amazon (ADCAM), Brazil
- P Project/Program
A Active
Key Information
The Association for Cohesive Development of the Amazon (ADCAM) is located in one of the poorest sections of Manaus, the capital city of the State of Amazonas in Brazil. It started in 1985 as a small orphanage with 30 kids and today is a nationally-recognized institution offering a K-12 school, a technical college, vocational training, a family development center, and rural education programs. By making education accessible, providing high quality programs, and qualifying adolescents and young adults for the job market, ADCAM is contributing to the material improvement of entire communities in spite of the tremendous economic challenges facing the country. Mona Foundation has partnered with ADCAM since 2006, providing funds for scholarships, teacher training, materials, and capital improvements in support of its socio-educational activities benefitting children, youth, families, and the community.
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
Latin America & Caribbean
Activity URL
Government Affiliation
Non-governmental programYears
2006 -
The Association for Cohesive Development of the Amazon (ADCAM)
Ministry Affiliation
Not applicable or unknown
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
NationalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
- Post-secondary
- Primary completion
- Primary to secondary transition
- Secondary completion
Other skills
- Vocational training
- Teacher training
Cross-cutting areas
- Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Boys (both in school and out of school), Girls (both in school and out of school), Youth
Not applicable or unknown
School Enrolment Status
Some in school
School Level
- Lower primary
- Upper primary
- Lower secondary
- Upper secondary
- Vocational
- Tertiary
Other populations reached
- Fathers
- Mothers
- Other community members - female
- Other community members - male
- Other family members
Participants include
- Orphans and vulnerable children
Program Approaches Back to Top
Facilities construction/improvement
- Construction/improvement of schools
Learning while working
- Apprenticeship/internship
- Vocational training
Social/gender norms change
- Engaging parents/caregivers of students or school-age children/adolescents
- In-service teacher training – pedagogy general
- Pre-service teacher training – pedagogy general
Water and sanitation
- Construction/improvement of toilets (combined use)
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Increased school completion (general)
- Increased school enrolment (general)
Cross-cutting goals
- Increased employment/job-related skills
- Reduced poverty/increase household well-being