- R Research Project/Report/Study
? Activity Status: Unknown
Key Information
TESFA+ (which means 'hope' in Amharic) aims to capitalize on seven years of research and program experience from TESFA to unlock the power and futures of adolescent girls at scale. Over the years we have made tremendous strides to unlock the power and potential of married adolescent girls in Ethiopia. Our new challenge is to innovate on our TESFA experience in Ethiopia to catalyze and scale the impact of this successful model in order to improve the lives of married adolescent girls and their communities in Ethiopia and beyond. To achieve this goal, we are applying a systematic process to investigate, develop and test a more impactful and scalable version of the TESFA model – a TESFA+ model. Business as usual – more TESFA groups in more places – will not get us to scale fast enough. Rather, to improve girls’ lives across Ethiopia and beyond, we need to identify and test catalytic levers for scaling and amplifying the impact of the TESFA model. Borrowing from design thinking and scaling frameworks, we are employing a systematic and phased approach to exploring, creating and testing a new TESFA+ model. During the TESFA+ design phase in 2019, we identified components from the original model to amplify as well as new prototypes (‘innovations’ or ‘enhancements’) that will powerfully contribute to scaling the model. In holding to design-thinking principles, we carried out the design process in partnership with original TESFA participants, their communities and government stakeholders to ensure the new TESFA model works for them and takes their unique insights, needs and priorities into account, laying the foundation for the new model’s success.
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Activity URL
Government Affiliation
Government-affiliated programYears
2018 -
Not applicable or unknown
Ministry Affiliation
Ethiopian Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth AffairsFunder(s)
Diedra Wagner
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
NationalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
Other skills
- Financial literacy
- Life skills/sexuality education
Cross-cutting areas
- Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
- Empowerment
- Other aspects of sexual and reproductive health
- Other cultural practices
- Social and gender norms and beliefs
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Girls (both in school and out of school), Youth
Not applicable or unknown
School Enrolment Status
Some in school
School Level
Not applicable or unknown
Other populations reached
Not applicable or unknown
Participants include
Not applicable or unknown
Program Approaches Back to Top
Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization
- General awareness-raising/community engagement
Health and childcare services
- Sexual and reproductive health services (including family planning)
Life skills education
- Gender, rights and power
- Negotiation skills
- Sexual and reproductive health (including puberty education)
- Social and emotional learning (SEL) skills building
Reducing economic barriers
- Financial literacy training
Social/gender norms change
- Engaging parents/caregivers of students or school-age children/adolescents
Women's empowerment programs
- Empowerment training
- Self-help groups (financial, including savings and credit groups)
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
Cross-cutting goals
- Changed social norms
- Improved critical consciousness
- Improved financial literacy and savings
- Improved sexual and reproductive health
- Improved understanding of sexual harassment, coercion, and consent
- Increased advocacy/civic engagement
- Increased agency and empowerment
- Increased knowledge of HIV, puberty, and sexual and reproductive health
- Increased knowledge of rights
- More equitable gender attitudes and norms