UNICEF - Cambodia Country Programme 2019–2023
- P Project/Program
I Inactive
Key Information
UNICEF works with the government and other partners to give all children equitable and inclusive access to education. This means tackling the barriers that keep children away from school, such as poverty, remoteness, stigma and discrimination. Specifically, they support the government to provide: scholarships for children of poor households, so they can stay in school instead of dropping out to go to work; access to quality early childhood education services, especially in rural and remote areas; accessible school facilities for girls and boys, with and without disabilities; schools with adequate water and sanitation facilities, so children don’t get sick from contaminated water or lack of hygiene, and adolescent girls don’t drop out because they cannot manage menstruation hygienically at school; qualified multilingual teachers for ethnic minority students, particularly in the north-eastern provinces; and skilled teachers to teach children with disabilities.
Lead Implementing Government(s)
East Asia & Pacific
Activity URL
Government Affiliation
Government-affiliated programYears
2019 - 2023
Ministry Affiliation
Ministry of Education, Youth and SportFunder(s)
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
NationalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
- Primary completion
- Secondary completion
Other skills
- Social and emotional learning
- Curricula/lesson plans
- School-related gender-based violence
- Teacher training
Cross-cutting areas
- Community sensitization
- Gender equality
- Menstrual hygiene management
- Social and gender norms and beliefs
- Violence (at home, in relationships)
- WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Boys (both in school and out of school), Girls (both in school and out of school), Youth
Not applicable or unknown
School Enrolment Status
Some in school
School Level
- Lower primary
- Upper primary
- Lower secondary
- Upper secondary
Other populations reached
- School administrators
- Teachers - female
- Teachers - male
Participants include
- Internal migrants (from other areas of the same country)
- People with disabilities
Program Approaches Back to Top
School-related gender-based violence
- Safe and welcoming schools
- In-service teacher training – pedagogy general
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Improved academic skills (literacy and numeracy)
- Improved critical thinking
- Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
- Increased school completion (general)
- Increased school enrolment (general)
- Increased years of schooling
- Reduced absenteeism
Cross-cutting goals
- Improved critical consciousness
- Improved health - other
- Increased employment/job-related skills
- More equitable gender attitudes and norms
- Reduced school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV)