Katingtingan Amathioul

  • P Project/Program

? Activity Status: Unknown

Key Information

The Katingtingan Amathioul program is designed to empower the girls with the tools they need to stay in school and complete their education. Here they also learn how to avoid child marriage, early pregnancy, and violence. The girls in the program, ages 12-19, are educated over a three-year period with consistent workshops and weekly classes. Once they have completed the program, they may choose to move into a leadership position and become mentors for the girls joining the program thereafter.

Lead Implementing Organization(s)


Sub-Saharan Africa


Government Affiliation

Non-governmental program


Not applicable or unknown


New Africa Fund, Healing Hands, California Premier Restoration, Mopane, VIlia Kakis Gilles Realtor

Ministry Affiliation



Not applicable or unknown

COVID-19 Response


Geographic Scope


Meets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES  


Areas of Work Back to Top

Education areas


  • Primary to secondary transition
  • Secondary completion
  • Secondary Enrollment

Other skills

  • Financial literacy
  • Rights/empowerment education


  • School-related gender-based violence

Cross-cutting areas

  • Adolescent pregnancy/childbearing
  • Early/child marriage
  • Mentorship
  • Violence (at home, in relationships)

Program participants

Target Audience(s)

Girls in school


12 - 19

School Enrolment Status

All in school

School Level

  • Lower secondary
  • Upper secondary

Other populations reached

Not applicable or unknown

Participants include

Not applicable or unknown

Program Approaches Back to Top

Mentoring/psychosocial support

  • Peer mentors

School-related gender-based violence

  • Violence prevention curriculum/activities for students

Women's empowerment programs

  • Empowerment training

Program Goals Back to Top

Education goals

  • Increased school completion (general)
  • Increased secondary school completion

Cross-cutting goals

  • Improved financial literacy and savings
  • Increased agency and empowerment
  • Reduced adolescent pregnancy/childbearing
  • Reduced child marriage
  • Reduced intimate partner violence
  • Reduced violence against children in the home