Future Girls

  • P Project/Program

A Active

Key Information

Future Girls aims to ensure a whole school community is empowered with the knowledge, resource and confidence for girls to attend and achieve in school. Using the existing, but often inactive, Girls Clubs that exist in Ethiopian Elementary schools, girls, boys and staff were invited along to explore, and learn about important gender topics. Guided by a facilitator, a safe space for sharing and supporting was established, as students discussed for the first time, their challenges with gender norms, puberty and their rights against exploitation.

Lead Implementing Organization(s)


Sub-Saharan Africa


Government Affiliation

Non-governmental program


2021 -


Not applicable or unknown

Ministry Affiliation



Not applicable or unknown

COVID-19 Response


Geographic Scope


Meets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES  


Areas of Work Back to Top

Education areas

Other skills

  • Rights/empowerment education


  • School-related gender-based violence

Cross-cutting areas

  • Empowerment
  • Menstrual hygiene management
  • Social and gender norms and beliefs
  • Violence (at home, in relationships)
  • WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)

Program participants

Target Audience(s)

Boys in school, Girls in school, Youth


Not applicable or unknown

School Enrolment Status

All in school

School Level

  • Lower secondary
  • Upper secondary

Other populations reached

  • Policymakers
  • School administrators
  • Teachers - female
  • Teachers - male

Participants include

Not applicable or unknown

Program Approaches Back to Top

Life skills education

  • Gender, rights and power

Menstrual hygiene management

  • Educating girls about menstruation
  • Sanitary product distribution

Reducing economic barriers

  • Conditional cash transfers to schools

School-related gender-based violence

  • Safe channels/mechanisms for reporting violence
  • Training of school personnel (including teachers)
  • Violence prevention curriculum/activities for students


  • Pre-service teacher training – gender-responsive pedagogy

Water and sanitation

  • Construction/improvement of sex-specific toilets
  • Improved water access

Program Goals Back to Top

Education goals

  • Curricula, teaching and learning materials are free of gender-bias and stereotypes
  • Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Teachers and learners have the knowledge and skills to promote gender equality

Cross-cutting goals

  • Changed social norms
  • Improved critical consciousness
  • Improved sexual and reproductive health
  • Increased agency and empowerment
  • More equal power in relationships
  • More equitable gender attitudes and norms
  • Reduced violence against children in the home

Additional Information Back to Top

Primary Contact

General Contact Information
Together We Learn