Lively Minds Programme
- P Project/Program
? Activity Status: Unknown
Key Information
We work to improve the education and care given to pre-school children in highly deprived communities in Ghana and Uganda. We work through local government to train and empower Mothers to provide better care at home and run educational Play Schemes that give young children in their community better life chances Parents are the sleeping giant. In each village, 30-40 mothers are enrolled on a group parenting course. The course is designed to change mindsets, build confidence and teach simple ways to use cost-free resources to improve their parenting and provide better care and education at home.The trained Mothers take it in turns to run educational Play Schemes for all the pre-schoolers in their village. Working to a carefully designed a structure and pedagogy, the children learn by playing in small groups with a variety of home-made educational games No additional workforce or expensive infrastructure is needed, It uses just cheap, local materials, empowering the most uneducated and resource-poor to provide quality learning and care.
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ghana, Uganda
Activity URL
Government Affiliation
Government-affiliated programYears
Not applicable or unknown
Not applicable or unknown
Ministry Affiliation
Partnership with local governmentsFunder(s)
Not applicable or unknown
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
Global / regionalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
- Primary enrollment
- Early childhood development
Cross-cutting areas
- Gender equality
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Boys (both in school and out of school), Girls (both in school and out of school), Mothers, Youth
2 - 6
School Enrolment Status
Some in school
School Level
- Pre-school
Other populations reached
Not applicable or unknown
Participants include
Not applicable or unknown
Program Approaches Back to Top
Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization
- Community mobilization
- General awareness-raising/community engagement
- Mothers' clubs
Life skills education
- Social and emotional learning (SEL) skills building
Women's empowerment programs
- Leadership training
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
- Improved social and emotional learning/skills and mindsets
- Increased years of schooling
Cross-cutting goals
- More equitable gender attitudes and norms
- Reduced poverty/increase household well-being