Girls Learn, Succeed and Lead

  • P Project/Program

? Activity Status: Unknown

Key Information

The project took a community-based approach to improving girls’ education and introduced strategies in five additional regions in Tanzania, including peri-urban areas. An individualised tracking system meant that the project could follow each girl from the start of the project through secondary school and beyond, tracking her progression, attendance and learning, and ensuring responsiveness in the support she received.

Lead Implementing Organization(s)


Sub-Saharan Africa

United Republic of Tanzania

Government Affiliation

Non-governmental program


2017 - 2022


Camfed Tanzania

Ministry Affiliation


COVID-19 Response


Geographic Scope


Meets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES  


Areas of Work Back to Top

Education areas


  • Primary to secondary transition

Other skills

  • Life skills/sexuality education
  • Rights/empowerment education


  • Literacy

Cross-cutting areas

  • Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
  • Empowerment
  • Mentorship
  • Other aspects of sexual and reproductive health

Program participants

Target Audience(s)

Girls out of school


Not applicable or unknown

School Enrolment Status

All out of school

School Level

  • Upper primary
  • Lower secondary

Other populations reached

  • Teachers - female

Participants include

  • Other

Program Approaches Back to Top

Community engagement/advocacy/sensitization

  • General awareness-raising/community engagement


  • Increased availability of learning materials

Life skills education

  • Gender, rights and power

Mentoring/psychosocial support

  • Peer mentors
  • Teachers as mentors

Reducing economic barriers

  • Scholarships/stipends for school fees

School-related gender-based violence

  • Support in and around schools (e.g. peer counseling, adult-to-student counseling)

Social/gender norms change

  • Engaging parents/caregivers of students or school-age children/adolescents

Tutoring/strengthening academic skills

  • Literacy - in the classroom

Women's empowerment programs

  • Empowerment training
  • Leadership training

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Program Goals Back to Top

Education goals

  • Increased literacy
  • Increased progression to secondary school
  • Reduced absenteeism

Cross-cutting goals

  • Improved sexual and reproductive health
  • Increased agency and empowerment
  • Increased knowledge of rights

Additional Information Back to Top

Primary Contact

General Contact Information: Tanzania