UNESCO Malala Fund for Girls’ Right to Education
- F Funding Initiative/Portfolio
? Activity Status: Unknown
Key Information
The brutal assassination attempt made against Pakistani teenager and activist for girls’ education Malala Yousafzai gave birth to the UNESCO Malala Fund for Girls’ Right to Education. Part of the “Better Life, Better Future” Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education, the fund was established in 2012 to expand girls’ access to quality and gender-responsive education and ensure safe learning environments, especially in countries affected by conflict and disaster. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan initially committed 10 million USD to the Fund, and since 2014 the CJ Group is another major contributor to the Fund, along with other supporters. The Fund supports the implementation of holistic programmes which aim to: 1) Expand access to education for girls and women, especially those hardest to reach and affected by conflict and disaster 2) Improve the quality and relevance of education, ensuring that content, teaching practices, learning processes and environments are gender-sensitive 3) Strengthen policy and capacity to ensure safe learning environments
Lead Implementing Organization(s)
East Asia & Pacific, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East & North Africa, South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa
Cambodia, Egypt, Guatemala, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, United Republic of Tanzania, Viet Nam
Government Affiliation
Non-governmental programYears
2012 -
“Better Life, Better Future” Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education
Ministry Affiliation
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, CJ Group
COVID-19 Response
UnknownGeographic Scope
Global / regionalMeets gender-transformative education criteria from the TES
UnknownAreas of Work Back to Top
Education areas
- Transition from school to work
- Curricula/lesson plans
- School facilities
- School quality
- School-related gender-based violence
- School violence
- Literacy
Cross-cutting areas
- Emergencies and protracted crises
Program participants
Target Audience(s)
Girls (both in school and out of school), Youth
Not applicable or unknown
School Enrolment Status
Not applicable or unknown
School Level
Not applicable or unknown
Other populations reached
Not applicable or unknown
Participants include
Not applicable or unknown
Program Approaches Back to Top
- Increased availability of learning materials
Tutoring/strengthening academic skills
- Literacy - in the classroom
- Literacy - outside the classroom
Program Goals Back to Top
Education goals
Not applicable or unknown
Cross-cutting goals
Not applicable or unknown