Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE)
- I Implementer
FSCE, in its more than 30 years of service in promoting and implementing child protection work has accumulated an extensive expertise and experience that has helped the organization to evolve into one of the leading local child protection organizations in Ethiopia. Working on a wide spectrum of urban disadvantaged children’s issues, FSCE has enjoyed successful track record of success stories.
Since 2010, FSCE has adopted a Community-based Multi-Stakeholder Child Protection System as an umbrella strategy to realize its vision of ‘’Seeing the wellbeing and protection of children fulfilled’’. The strategy encourages the active involvement of all stakeholders and attempts to address all child protection problems using a systematic approach and in a more comprehensive an sustainable manner.
Livelihood promotion; education; and awareness and capacity building programs have been the major cross-cutting strategies of FSCE to prevent children from being vulnerable to different kinds of abuses and exploitation. A Community-Based Multi-Stakeholder child Protection System (CBMSCPS) has been adapted as an overarching strategy to realize the vision and mission of FSCE in a comprehensive and sustainable way. Ever since 2010, FSCE has been able to establish and strengthen sixty-five community- based multi-stakeholder child protection councils in its sixty-five operating areas to create a protective environment for children in a more systematic manner. The rehabilitation, psychosocial support and reintegration with the community intervention benefited about 513 sexually abused and exploited girls and street children in 2020.
The emergency support and prevention of child marriage is the other key interventions of FSCE.
Primary Functions
- Program/Project Implementation
Secondary Functions
- Awareness Raising/Advocacy
- Networking/Convening
Geographic Scope
- National
Areas of work Back to Top
Education topics addressed
- Primary completion
- Primary enrollment
- Primary to secondary transition
Other skills
- Financial literacy
- Life skills/sexuality education
- Rights/empowerment education
- Social and emotional learning
- School facilities
- School quality
- Teacher training
- Literacy
- Numeracy
Cross-cutting topics addressed
- Early/child marriage
- Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
- Emergencies and protracted crises
- Empowerment
Funders and partners Back to Top
Current girls’ education funders
Current girls' education partners
Locations and contact information Back to Top
Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE)
Headquarters location(s)
- Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Office location(s)
- Ethiopia
- Yared Degefu
- Executive Director
- +251923105873
- Forum on Sustainable Child Empowerment (FSCE)
Locations of current girls’ education work
Map showing countries (listed below) where the organization is involved with girls' education programs
- Ethiopia