MenEngage Alliance
- N Network
We are a global alliance made up of dozens of country networks spread across many regions of the world, hundreds of non-governmental organizations, as well as UN partners. MenEngage Alliance members work collectively and individually toward advancing gender justice, human rights and social justice to achieve a world in which all can enjoy healthy, fulfilling and equitable relationships and their full potential.
Primary Functions
- Networking/Convening
Secondary Functions
- Awareness Raising/Advocacy
Geographic Scope
- Global / regional
Areas of work Back to Top
Education topics addressed
- Early childhood development
Other skills
- Life skills/sexuality education
- Rights/empowerment education
Cross-cutting topics addressed
- Gender equality
- HIV and STIs
- Masculinities/boys
- Other aspects of sexual and reproductive health
- Violence (at home, in relationships)
Funders and partners Back to Top
Current girls' education partners
Locations and contact information Back to Top
Headquarters location(s)
- Washington, D.C., , United States of America
Office location(s)
- United States of America
Locations of current girls’ education work
Map showing countries (listed below) where the organization is involved with girls' education programs
- Albania
- Argentina
- Austria
- Bangladesh
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Bulgaria
- Burundi
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- El Salvador
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- India
- Ireland
- Kenya
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Mali
- Mexico
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- North Macedonia
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Peru
- Portugal
- Republic of Moldova
- Russian Federation
- Rwanda
- Serbia
- Sierra Leone
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Togo
- Uganda
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- United Republic of Tanzania
- United States of America
- Uruguay
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe