Education Development Trust
- I Implementer
- N Network
- P Policymaker
- R Researcher
Education Development Trust is an international not-for-profit organization working to improve education outcomes around the world. We combine global research and our longstanding expertise with regional knowledge to inform education policy and practice and deliver programmes around the world. Their work spans from early years education right through to post-school careers and seeks to strengthen education systems, transform teaching and learning, ensure effective transitions into work, and contribute to global responses to key education challenges. They aim to bring about change, raise educational standards, and support global efforts to address learning crises and reduce inequalities of opportunity.
Primary Functions
- Awareness Raising/Advocacy
- Capacity building/Technical assistance
- Program/Project Implementation
Secondary Functions
- Capacity building/Technical assistance
- Networking/Convening
- Policy Development/Implementation
- Research - policy analysis
- Research - project evaluation
Geographic Scope
- Global / regional
Areas of work Back to Top
Education topics addressed
- Primary completion
- Primary enrollment
- Primary to secondary transition
- Secondary completion
- Early childhood development
- Transition from school to work
Other skills
- Life skills/sexuality education
- Social and emotional learning
- Vocational training
- School quality
- Teacher training
- Literacy
- Numeracy
Cross-cutting topics addressed
- Community sensitization
- Early/child marriage
- Economic/livelihoods (including savings/financial inclusion, etc.)
- Empowerment
- Female genital mutilation/cutting
- Gender equality
- Masculinities/boys
- Menstrual hygiene management
- Mentorship
- Other
- Other aspects of sexual and reproductive health
- Social and gender norms and beliefs
Funders and partners Back to Top
Current girls’ education funders
Current girls' education partners
Locations and contact information Back to Top
Headquarters location(s)
- Reading, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Office location(s)
- Brunei Darussalam
- Ethiopia
- India
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- United Arab Emirates
Locations of current girls’ education work
Map showing countries (listed below) where the organization is involved with girls' education programs
- Brunei Darussalam
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Projects Back to Top
Punjab Education Support Programme II
Let our Girls Succeed - Wasichana Wetu Wafaulu
Punjab Education Sector Programme (PESP) II
Technical Assistance to Reinforce General Education Quality Improvement Program for Equity (TARGET)
Research Project/Report/Study
Maintaining Learning Continuity During School Closure: Community Health Volunteer Support for Marginalized Girls in Kenya
Research Project/Report/Study
Girls' Education COVID-19 Response