Global Accountability Dashboard

The Transforming Education Summit (September 2022) was convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in response to a global crisis in education – one of equity and inclusion, quality and relevance. As one of the key outcomes of the Summit, leaders and education advocates launched the Global Platform for Gender Equality and Girls’ and Women’s Empowerment in and through Education through a landmark Call to Action.

UNESCO Addis (4)

The Global Platform for Gender Equality brings together governments, donors, partners and civil society to monitor progress, highlight gaps, and propel transformative action on gender equality in and through education.

The Global Platform’s Accountability Dashboard monitors progress against key indicators on gender-transformative education drawn from the Call to Action. As such, it complements and deepens the Transforming Education Summit Dashboard of Country Commitments and Action to Transform Education, which monitors countries’ actions against the national statements of commitment they made at the Summit.

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Working hand-in-hand with education champions and activists from communities around the world, the Platform brings together data and evidence from a wide range of partners.

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What are countries and programs doing?

Check out the country profiles to explore national commitments, up-to-date statistics, and gender and education programs in 133 low- and middle-income countries and 60 high-income countries. 

Or click below to access programs that meet the TES Call to Action criteria and learn more!

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Action areas monitored include:

  • Gender-transformative education sector plans, budgets, policies and data systems

  • Gender parity and non-discrimination in all education levels and subjects

  • Gender-transformative curricula, teaching and learning materials, and pedagogies

  • Gender-transformative and inclusive learning spaces

  • Cross-sectoral collaboration and meaningful integration of young people in decision-making

  • Investments that target the most marginalized learners

Featured Work

EQUALS Digital Skills Hub

The EQUALS Digital Skills Hub is a comprehensive and interactive roadmap on projects, resources and best practices to advance digital skills education for women and girls, and bridge gender digital skills divides. It provides information on how countries and organizations are championing the learning and empowerment of girls and women through digital skills development progams.

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UN Women: Women Count

Since 2016, UN Women has implemented Women Count, a multi-stakeholder global strategy for a radical shift in how gender statistics are produced, used, and promoted to inform policy and advocacy on gender equality. The following videos provide insight into our regional program and the achievements of our country programs in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

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UNESCO’s interactive HerAtlas tool maps girls’ and women’s right to education. By enhancing public knowledge and monitoring the status of national constitutions, legislation and regulations related to education rights for girls and women, it encourages countries to strengthen their laws and policies for long-term change.

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Gender Equality in Education Snapshot Tool (GES)

Developed by UNGEI, the GES Toolkit supports education stakeholders to conduct a rapid assessment of gender equality in and through education. The tool provides a quick snapshot of where the country stands regarding gender equality within and through its education system. It allows planners and practitioners to look at gender equality in education holistically and to catalyze a dialogue around gender-transformative education at country level.

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Gender at the Centre Initiative

The Gender at the Centre Initiative a multi-stakeholder initiative to promote gender equality in and through education in Africa. Coordinated by UNGEI and UNESCO-IIEP, the initiative applies a whole-system approach to strengthen technical gender capacity, foster political will and support the transformation of harmful gender norms.

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Gender Transformative Education Course

In this new online course designed by Plan International, UNICEF, UNGEI and Transform Education participants will learn how to design, implement, advocate for and assess Gender Transformative Education initiatives. You can find the course on UNICEF's e-learning platform.

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The Education Plus Initiative

The five-year Education Plus Initiative is a high-level political advocacy drive to accelerate actions and investments to prevent HIV. It is centered on the empowerment of adolescent girls and young women and the achievement of gender equality in sub-Saharan Africa—with secondary education as the strategic entry point. It is co-led by the heads of UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN Women and implemented together with women and youth networks in Africa.

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Malala Fund’s Girls’ Education Report Cards

Malala Fund’s Girls’ Education Report Cards provide an assessment of leaders’ commitments to achieving 12 years of education for all girls. We evaluate low- and middle-income countries’ performance by examining relevant SDG targets and the adoption of gender-transformative policies, and high-income countries’ commitment using OECD data on the volume and targeting of their aid to meet girls’ education needs.

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UN Women’s Second Chance Education Programme

UN Women’s Second Chance Education (SCE) programme supports marginalized and crisis-affected women by providing a second chance to access learning opportunities and to find pathways to economic and personal empowerment. Digital skills training, personalized support, e-learning, awareness raising of harmful social norms, and advocacy for policy reform are also key features of the programme.

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Global Partnership for Education

Global Partnership for Education (GPE) aims to accelerate access, learning and gender equality through inclusive, equitable and resilient education systems. GPE's recent publication on a partnership approach to gender equality reflects their commitment to supporting gender equality in access to, within and through education at a national, regional and global level.

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Girls’ Education Challenge

The Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) is the world’s largest fund dedicated to girls’ education, reaching over 1.6 million marginalized girls. GEC learning includes the Learning Briefs series, which captures implementation evidence from GEC projects. The Portfolio in Practice series consolidates learning on driving performance across a complex and diverse portfolio.

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The AGEE project

The AGEE project has developed an innovative measurement framework for gender equality in and through education at different scales from cross national, through national to local and institutional. It uses the AGEE Framework and critical processes of participatory reflection on data selection, data gaps, and opportunities for collecting and analyzing new data to support gender transformative policy and practice.

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FAWE’s Gender-Responsive Pedagogies Course

This two-part course, developed by UNESCO-IICBA, FAWE AND UNICEF, focuses on gender-responsive lessons and teaching materials, boosting learning outcomes, and promoting a safe learning environment. It is available on UNESCO-IICBA’s learning platform.

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For more information about the Global Platform for Gender Equality, contact:

@Education2030UN #GenderEquality